Pink Village Amsterdam is a pink neighbourliness network for all 50+ LGBTQI-ers in and around Amsterdam. Care for yourself and for others. Now and later on. That’s who we are!

We think it’s important to get to know each other. That’s why our members organise various activities, mostly stemming from their own interests. So there’s the opportunity to go on walks together (over varying distances), play pool or bridge, or see a movie or visit a museum (sometimes with a lunch thrown in as well). Themed meetings are organised, also monthly ‘drinks’ and readings relevant to our target group. All activities are listed in our agenda on our website and in the monthly newsletter.

As well as getting to know each other, we would like to give visibility to the idea of pink neighbourliness by connecting our members. If you need help or you would like to offer some assistance, you can do that through our ‘Help Required and Offered’ form. In this way we enable contact between our members on a reciprocal basis.

An exchange doesn’t need to be on an equal footing, but it must show mutual respect.

We also like to give substance to our pink neighbourliness by setting up neighbourhood groups, in which members from the same area can get to know each other and, if necessary, offer support. The organisation of any activities is initiated by the groups themselves.

Governing Board

Pink Village Amsterdam has been a registered foundation since October 23, 2017.

Since its foundation, Pink Village Amsterdam has grown fast. In a short period, the number of participants and active committees has vastly increased, and all sorts of activities have been set up which now form a major part of our village. Many neighbourhood groups have also been initiated.

As a governing body, we strive, together with our committees, activity participants and neighbourhood groups, to form a committed community, where we explore opportunities to grow old in a healthy and happy way. We do this within our village and, where possible, with already existing groupings.

The governing board is available for questions and comments: